Your Productivity is Causing You Stress (Part 2)

This is the second part of a multipart article.

You MUST be intentional. According to Dan Sullivan Being intentional means having a powerful sense of purpose. It means knowing the importance of what you’re doing and being very clear idea about what your ideal outcome looks like.

Like many other entrepreneur to it means “results” to me and many others. I get very clear about what I want to accomplish and I recommend that you do too. When you are clear about what you want, you are much more likely to actually get your intended result and faster too. You must develop an intentionality mindset. Dan mentions the following three things in the article.

  1. The person with the highest intentionality in any situation wins.
  2. Never go into any situation without being totally sold on your intentionality.
  3. High intentionality multiplies high quality situations and continually eliminates low quality situations.

Being intentional means being sold on what you want to accomplish. Do this will help you bring others along with you.

So, what does intentionality look like? According to Dan, who uses something he calls “The Impact Filter”. According to Dan, this is what the thinking process behind the Impact Filter looks like.

  1. What you want to achieve- You must decide what you want to really achieve.
  2. Best and worst- look what the best and the worst that could happen.
  3. Success criteria- Have criteria so that you can measure the final result.

The end of the article discusses the intentionality process. According to the article uses the “ideal delegation strategy” when you are starting any new process.

Take a few minutes to read and re-read this again. Implement what you learn.

See you in a few days in part 3.

Adam J Weber

